Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Charles Ives

General Questions:
How deeply rooted into society was this music or person at the time it was created (or when the person was alive and producing?)

- His music is very successful, people play his music while he’s still alive.

How important or relevant is this music now in 2009? Who listens to it?

It’s still very important, the music he wrote is still playing. People who listen to
classical music know his music.

Is this music universal in appeal or is it very specific to a particular time, place, and culture, or audience?


Is it easy to hear that this music is directly related to music that came before it, or is it difficult to find a connection to the past?

To be honest, I don’t know the different between Old and New classical music.

Is this music related to or influenced by other art forms, or is it's content related to non-musical things (such as politics, society, race, class)

- Unanswered.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Citizen Ship - Social Boundaries

Clique - A small group of people with share interest and spend time together, but do not allow other to easily join them.

The problem about clique is that they build an Invisible wall between people.
The do not let people join them, if the whole school divided to all the little clique, new students will feel left out.

Stereotype - Widely held but fixed over simplification people.

Stereotype causes people to feel embarrassed. It sticks label on people.
People close out the type of people that they don't like.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Art Explorations Glass Farctory Trip

Art Exploration Gr.8 Nov. 10th

November 10th, We went to a glass factory near HIS

Today, the factory is making cups,
they burn the glass and when it heats up, they blow through the hole from behind.

People there wear polo shirt, because the temperature of the factory is very high.

For some of the machine, workers have to work together.

Hsinchu have lots of glass factories, because you can find silicon and gas easily.