Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Global Mall

• How did it feel to have more or less money than other people in the class?

Having less money than other people, would be very difficult. Seeing other people buying everything without thinking very much would be very painful.

How did it feel to see what you could and could not afford at the Global Mall?

It's very harsh to the people who cannot afford things in the Global Mall. I'm one of the middle class people in society, but I still have to think before I buy.

• How many of you could not afford education? What would your lives be like if you could not go to school?

I'm the middle class, I can give my children normal education. It's very sad seeing other people going to a high class school and your children cannot even go to school.

• How would it feel to have to choose between food and health care?

It's a very hard choice between food and health care. Without eating good quality of food, you would ended up in the hospital, but spending too much money on food, if you're sick one day without good health care people could possibly die.

• How many of you have ever been very sick or gone to a hospital or had friends and family who have? What would your life be like now if you had been unable to get medical care?

When I was young, I'm the type of person that can easily get sick. I went to the hospital at least 18 times when I was 10 years old.

I'm glad that I'm in a middle-high class family, I can have the best health care.
If I was born in a low class family, I might be very week.

• What were the impacts caused by people with fewer Global Mall Dollars, and what were the impacts caused by people with more Global Mall Dollars?'

• Discuss the fact that roughly one-fifth of all people worldwide survive on
less than $1 (U.S.) a day – how does this limit their choices, and what are the environmental, social, and global security implications of this?

They can hardly afford food or water. When they're sick, who's going to take care of them?
Certainly no one and yes, "THEY WILL DIE".
80% of the people died because they cannot afford any health care "at all".

• When you were choosing what to buy, did you think about the environmental impact? For those of you in the lowest income range, did you have a choice about the environmental impact you produced? If not, how did it feel to not have a choice?

When you don't have a choice, you just have to do it. Most of the people including me, would not think about the environmental impact, they will just think about what is the best for themselves

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Eve Ensler

1. Synopsis: what is this interview about?

The interview is about the new book that author Amy Goodman wrote. The book is about the women looses their rights in different countries.

2. How is Eve Ensler being a global citizen? What is she doing to make a difference in the world (give examples)?

She travels around the world trying to help people in the world that needed help, for example she saves the girl form the pimp.

3. Give one example of how girls can end up in harmful situations because of societal pressures "to please" others.

For example in the video, she talks about the 15 year old girl become a sex salves because if her life is been threaten.

4. What do you think are the connections between The Story of Stuff and Eve Ensler's story about the girl in the factory making Barbie doll heads?

The "Barbie Doll Connection" In the story of stuff, the lady talks about people paying their health and been pay low to work in the factories. In the interview, Eve talks about women been pay low and paying their own health to make the barbie dolls to keep the price low.

As we can see, people are working in the factories making trash and hurting themselves. This is one of the biggest that the whole world is facing.